Over 250 scientists representing more than 125 institutions and 35 nations are currently participating in IGCP 653. If are you not yet a member, fill in the form to the right to join the project. Also use the comments box to communicate email and/or affiliation updates.
First Name | Family Name | Institution | Country | |
Mohamed | Abioui | Ibn Zohr University | Morocco | abioui.gbs[at]gmail.com |
Guillermo | Aceñolaza | Universidad Nacional de Tucumán | Argentina | acecha[at]webmail.unt.edu.ar |
Aicha | Achab | Institut national de recherche scientifique | Canada | Aicha.Achab[at]ete.inrs.ca |
Datu | Adiatma | Ohio State University, Columbus | USA | adiatma.1[at]osu.edu |
Leho | Ainsaar | Tartu University | Estonia | leho.ainsaar[at]ut.ee |
Jonathan | Aitchison | The University of Queensland | Australia | jona[at]uq.edu.au |
Mustapha | Akodad | University of Oujda | Morocco | akodadmfpn[at]hotmail.fr |
Hans Arne | Akrem | University of Oslo | Norway | h.a.nakrem[at]nhm.uio.no |
Guillermo | Albanesi | University of Cordóba | Argentina | glalbanesi[at]gmail.com |
Thomas | Algeo | University of Cincinnati | United States | Thomas.Algeo[at]uc.edu |
Young | Allison | University of Cincinnati | United States | younga9@mail.uc.edu |
Lisa | Amati | New York State Museum, Albany | United States | Lisa.Amati[at]nysed.gov |
Galina | Anakeeva | Borissiak Paleontological Institute RAS | Russia | anekeeva@paleo.ru |
Josefina | Aris | Universidad Nacional de Salta | Argentina | josefinaaris03[at]gmail.com |
Howard | Armstrong | Durham University | United Kingdom | h.a.armstrong[at]durham.ac.uk |
Gayane | Asatryan | The University of Queensland | Australia | g.asatryan[at]uq.edu.au |
Esther | Asselin | Geologic Survey of Canada - Quebec | Canada | |
Christopher | Aucoin | University of Cincinnati | United States | aucoincd[at]mail.uc.edu |
Teresa | Avila | Ohio State University, Columbus | USA | avila.75[at]buckeyemail.osu.edu |
Gabriella | Bagnoli | University of Pisa | Italy | bagnoli[at]dst.unipi.it |
Kristine | Balslev | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | krisbalslev[at]gmail.com |
Christopher R. | Barnes | University of Victoria | Canada | crbarnes[at]uvic.ca |
Heikki | Bauert | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | baltoscandia[at]yahoo.com |
Houcine Boumediène | Benachour | University of Chelif | Algeria | benachour.hb[at]live.fr |
Juan L. | Benedetto | Conicet-Cicterra | Argentina | juan.benedetto[at]unc.edu.ar |
Matilde Syliva | Beresi | Conicet – Mendoza | Argentina | mberesi[at]mendoza-conicet.gob.ar |
Arnaud | Bignon | University of Córdoba | Argentina | arnaud.bignon[at]unc.edu.ar |
Dan | Blake | University of Illinois- Champaign Urbana | United States | dblake@illinois.edu |
Alain | Blieck | University of Lille | France | Alain.Blieck[at]univ-lille1.fr |
Art | Boucot | Oregon State University | United States | Boucota[at]science.oregonstate.edu |
James | Boyle | University at Buffalo, the State University of New York | USA | jamesboy[at]buffalo.edu |
Antanas | Brazauskas | Vilnius University | Lithuania | antanas.brazauskas[at]gf.vu.lt |
Carlton | Brett | University of Cincinnati | United States | brettce[at]ucmail.uc.edu |
Derek | Briggs | Yale University, New Haven | United States | derek.briggs[at]yale.edu |
Anton | Brodskii | Saint Petersburg State University | Russia | ab74@mail.ru |
Jana | Bruthansová | National Museum of Prague | Czech Republic | jana_bruthansova[at]nm.cz |
Jana | Bruthansová | National Museum of Prague | Czech Republic | jana_bruthansova@nm.cz |
David | Bruton | University of Oslo | Norway | d.l.bruton[at]nhm.uio.no |
Petr | Budil | Czech Geological Survey | Czech Republic | petr.budil[at]geology.cz |
Mikael | Calner | Lund University | Sweden | Mikael.Calner[at]geol.lu.se |
Yves | Candela | National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh | United Kingdom | Y.Candela[at]nms.ac.uk |
Elliot | Capel | University of Lille | France | eliott.c20@gmail.com |
Josefina | Carlorosi | Universidad Nacional de Tucumán | Argentina | josefinacarlorosi77[at]gmail.com |
Jesse | Carlucci | Midwestern State University, WichitaFalls, Texas | United States | Jesse.carlucci[at]mwsu.edu |
Marcelo | Carrera | University of Cordóba | Argentina | mcarrera[at]efn.uncor.edu |
Shaolin | Censullo | Ohio University, Athens | United States | sc424718[at]ohio.edu |
Ravi Shankar | Chaubey | Panjab University & Geological Survey of India | India | ravischaubey[at]hotmail.com |
Qing | Chen | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | qchen[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Lesley | Cherns | Cardiff University | United Kingdom | cherns[at]Cardiff.ac.uk |
Suk-Joo | Choh | Korea University, Seoul | South Korea | sjchoh[at]korea.ac.kr |
Robin | Cocks | Natural History Museum, London | United Kingdom | r.cocks[at]nhm.ac.uk |
Selena | Cole | American Museum of Natural History | United States | scole[at]amnh.org |
Jorge | Colmenar | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | jorge.colmenar[at]snm.ku.dk |
Christopher | Conwell | Ohio State University, Columbus | USA | conwell.30[at]osu.edu |
Kimberly J. | Cook | Indiana University | United States | kijucook[at]indiana.edu |
John | Cope | National Museum of Wales, Cardiff | United Kingdom | John.Cope[at]museumwales.ac.uk |
Paul | Copper | Laurentian University, Sudbury | Canada | pcopper[at]laurentian.ca |
Maria Helena Macedo | Couto | University of Porto | Portugal | hcouto[at]fc.up.pt |
Tais | Dahl | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | tais.dahl[at]snm.ku.dk |
Taniel | Danelian | University of Lille | France | Taniel.Danelian[at]univ-lille1.fr |
G. Susana | de la Puente | IITCI-CONICET, Dpto. De Geología y Petróleo, Universidad Nacional del Comahue | Argentina | sudelapuente[at]gmail.com |
Qiaoyan | Deng | Central South University | China | 814790678[at]qq.com |
Andrey V. | Dronov | Geological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | dronov[at]ginras.ru |
Jan Ove R. | Ebbestad | Uppsala University | Sweden | jan-ove.ebbestad[at]em.uu.se |
Cole | Edwards | Appalachian State University | USA | edwardsct4[at]appstate.edu |
Khadija | El Hariri | University of Marrakech | Morocco | elhariri[at]fstg-marrakech.ac.ma |
Mats | Eriksson | Lund University | Sweden | Mats.Eriksson[at]geol.lu.se |
Andrej | Ernst | Universität Hamburg | Germany | Andrej.Ernst[at]uni-hamburg.de |
Junxuan | Fan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | fanjunxuan[at]gmail.com |
Ru | Fan | Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Chinal National Petroleum Corporation | China | rufan[at]petrochina.com.cn |
Xiang | Fang | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | xfang[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Nicolás | Feltes | University of Cordóba | Argentina | nfeltes[at]efn.uncor.edu |
Annalisa | Ferretti | University of Modena | Italy | ferretti[at]unimore.it |
Federica | Ficini | University of Pisa | Italy | fe_dolina_89[at]hotmail.it |
Seth | Finnegan | University of California, Berkeley | United States | seth.finnegan[at]gmail.com |
Ian | Forsythe | Ohio University, Athens | United States | if536817[at]ohio.edu |
Helena | Fortunato | Hokkaido University | Japan | fortunatomh[at]hotmail.com |
Franeck | Franziska | Naturhistorisk Museum, University of Oslo | Norway | franzif[at]nhm.uio.no |
Rebecca | Freeman | University of Kentucky | United States | rebecca.freeman[at]uky.edu |
Jiri | Fryda | Czech Geological Survey | Czech Republic | bellerophon[at]seznam.cz |
G. Robert | Ganis | Independent | United States | bobganis[at]mac.com |
Pat | Gerdsen | Anza Borrego StatePark | United States | patfossillady[at]gmail.com |
Mansoureh | Ghobadi Pour | Golestan University, Gorgan | Iran | mghobadipour[at]yahoo.co.uk |
María Eugenia | Giuliano | University of Cordóba | Argentina | megiuliano[at]efn.uncor.edu |
David | Giuseffi | United States | viaphacops[at]yahoo.com | |
Daniel | Goldman | University of Dayton | United States | dgoldman1[at]udayton.edu |
Fangyi | Gong | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | fygong[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Stefi | Guitor | Tartu University | Estonia | stefi.guitor@ut.ee |
Juan Carlos | Gutiérrez Marco | Instituto de Geociencias, Madrid | Spain | jcgrapto[at]geo.ucm.es |
Emma | Hammarlund | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | emma[at]biology.sdu.dk |
Bjarte | Hannisdal | University of Bergen | Norway | Bjarte.Hannisdal[at]uib.no |
David A. T. | Harper | Durham University | United Kingdom | david.harper[at]durham.ac.uk |
Tom | Harvey | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | thph2@le.ac.uk |
Pärnaste | Helje | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | helje.parnaste[at]ttu.ee |
Miles | Henderson | University of Tennessee | United States | milesh[at]utk.edu |
Alain | Herbosch | Univesité Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | herbosch[at]ulb.ac.be |
Susana | Heredia | University of San Juan | Argentina | sheredia[at]unsj.edu.ar |
Achim | Herrmann | Louisiana State University | United States | aherrmann[at]lsu.edu |
Olle | Hints | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | olle.hints[at]ttu.ee |
Richard | Hoffman | Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin | Germany | richard.hofmann[at]mfn-berlin.de |
Lars | Holmer | Uppsala University | Sweden | Lars.Holmer[at]pal.uu.se |
Melanie | Hopkins | American Museum of Natural History | United States | mhopkins[at]amnh.org |
Yukio | Isozaki | University of Tokyo | Japan | isozaki[at]ea.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Hadi | Jahangir | Ferdowsi University, Mashhad | Iran | jahangir.hadi[at]gmail.com |
Xiuchun | Jing | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | jxch[at]cugb.edu.cn |
Jeon | Juwan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | jjeon[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Sarah | Kachovich | The University of Queensland | Australia | s.kachovich[at]uq.edu.au |
Donatas | Kaminskas | Vilnius University | Lithuania | donatas.kaminskas[at]gf.vu.lt |
Talia | Karim | University of Colorado Museum of Natural History | United States | talia.karim[at]colorado.edu |
Cintia | Kaufmann | University of San Juan | Argentina | ckaufmann[at]unsj.edu.ar |
Tarmo | Kiipli | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | tarmo.kiipli[at]ttu.ee |
Aleksey | Kim | State Entreprise ‘East Uzbekistan Survey Research Expedition’, Tashkent | Uzbekistan | alekskim[at]ars-inform.uz |
Irina | Kim | State Entreprise ‘East Uzbekistan Survey Research Expedition’, Tashkent | Uzbekistan | kiren06[at]mail.ru |
Julien | Kimmig | Pennsylvania State University | United States | jkimmig[at]psu.edu |
Gennady | Kisselev | Saint Petersburg State University | Russia | genkiselev@yandex.ru |
Christian | Klug | University of Zurich | Switzerland | chklug@pim.uzh.ch |
Nevin | Kozik | Florida State University | United States | npk15[at]my.fsu.edu |
Petr | Kraft | Charles University, Prague | Czech Republic | kraft[at]natur.cuni.cz |
David Marius | Kröck | University of Lille | France | dmkroeck[at]gmx.de |
Björn | Kröger | Finnish Museum of Natural History | Finland | bjorn.kroger[at]helsinki.fi |
Lukáš | Laibl | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | lukas.laibl[at]unil.ch |
Iskra | Lakova | Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | Bulgaria | lakova[at]geology.bas.bg |
Fernando | Lavié | Conicet-Cicterra | Argentina | fernandolavie[at]gmail.com |
Jeong-Hyun | Lee | Chungnam National University | Republic of Korea | jeonghyunlee[at]cnu.ac.kr |
Bertrand | Lefebvre | University of Lyon | France | bertrand.lefebvre[at]univ-lyon1.fr |
Oliver | Lehnert | University of Erlangen | Germany | oliver.lehnert[at]fau.de |
Rudy | Lerosey-Aubril | University of New England | Australia | leroseyaubril[at]gmail.com |
Stephen | Leslie | James Madison University | United States | lesliesa[at]jmu.edu |
Qi-jian | Li | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | qijianli[at]hotmail.com |
Yue | Li | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | yueli[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Kun | Liang | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | kliang[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
W. Peter | Lickley | Retired geology teacher | Canada | licks[at]fibreop.ca |
Anders | Lindskog | Lund University | Sweden | anders.lindskog[at]geol.lu.se |
Lee Hisang | Liow | University of Oslo | Norway | l.h.liow[at]ibv.uio.no |
Gerardo A. | Lo Valvo | National University of Córdoba | Argentina | gerardolovalvo[at]gmail.com |
Xiaocong | Luan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | xcluan[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Jianbo | Lui | Peking University | China | jbliu[at]pku.edu.cn |
Lorenzo | Lustri | Lausanne University | Switzerland | lorenzo.lustri@unil.ch |
Junye | Ma | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | yma[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Xuan | Ma | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | xuanma[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Veronica | Mahoney | Oberlin College | United States | veronica.mahoney[at]corebaby.org |
Jörg | Maletz | Freie Universität Berlin | Germany | Yorge[at]zedat.fu-berlin.de |
Matías | Mango | University of Cordóba | Argentina | |
Peep | Männik | Institute of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | peep.mannik[at]ttu.ee |
Tõnu | Martma | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | martma[at]gi.ee |
Christian | McCall | Norwich District Historical Society | Canada | christianmccall23[at]yahoo.ca |
Tõnu | Meidla | Tartu University | Estonia | tonu.meidla[at]ut.ee |
Michal | Mergl | University of West Bohemia, Plzen | Czech Republic | mmergl[at]cbg.zcu.cz |
Ana | Mestre | University of San Juan | Argentina | amestre[at]unsj.edu.ar |
Radek | Mikulas | Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology | Czech Republic | mikulas[at]gli.cas.cz |
James F. | Miller | Missouri State University | United States | jimmiller[at]missouristate.edu |
Stewart G. | Molyneux | British Geological Survey | United Kingdom | sgm[at]bgs.ac.uk |
Pedro | Monarrez | Stanford University | United States | pmonarrez[at]stanford.edu |
Claude | Monnet | University of Lille | France | Claude.Monnet[at]univ-lille1.fr |
Lucy | Muir | Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum of Wales | United Kingdom | lucy[at]asoldasthehills.org |
Axel | Munnecke | Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany | axel.munnecke[at]fau.de |
Diego F. | Muñoz | University of Cordóba | Argentina | dmunoz2708[at]gmail.com |
Paul | Myrow | Colorado College | United States | PMyrow[at]ColoradoCollege.edu |
Elise | Nardin | University of Toulouse | France | elise.nardin[at]Get.omp.eu |
Navid | Navidi Izad | Kharazmi University | Iran | N.navidi.izad[at]alumni.ut.ac.ir |
Arne T. | Nielsen | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | arnet[at]snm.ku.dk |
Morten L. | Nielsen | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | bvm328[at]alumni.ku.dk |
Paula | Noble | University of Nevada, Reno | United States | noblepj[at]unr.edu |
Martina | Nohejlová | Charles University and the Czech Geological Survey | Czech Republic | martina.nohejlova[at]natur.cuni.cz |
Paul | Ntoogue | Exploration Geologist | Cameroon | paul.ntoogue[at]gmail.com |
Olga | Obut | Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | ObutOT[at]ipgg.sbras.ru |
Muhammad | Omer | Salahaddin University | Iraq | muhfakhri2005[at]gmail.com |
Gladys | Ortega | University of Cordóba | Argentina | gortega[at]gtwing.efn.uncor.edu |
Alan | Owen | Glasgow University | United Kingdom | Alan.Owen[at]glasgow.ac.uk |
Tõnn | Paiste | Tartu University | Estonia | tonn.paiste@ut.ee |
Matthew | Parkes | National Museum of Ireland - Natural History | Ireland | mparkes[at]museum.ie |
Steven | Pates | Harvard University | United States | stevepates[at]googlemail.com |
Timothy | Paton | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | United States | tpaton[at]vols.utk.edu |
Dmitriy | Pecherichenko | Novosibirsk State University | Russia | dima22082308@gmail.com |
Mikkel | Pederson | Natural History Museum of Denmark | Denmark | mikkel_pedersen[at]icloud.com |
Amelia | Penny | University of Helsinki | Finland | amelia.penny@helsinki.fi |
Ian | Percival | Geological Survey of New South Wales | Australia | ian.percival[at]planning.nsw.gov.au |
Sofia | Pereira | University of Lisbon | Portugal | ardi_eu[at]hotmail.com |
Siyumini | Perera | The University of Queensland | Australia | p.perera@uq.edu.au |
Francesz | Perez Peris | Lausanne University | Switzerland | francesc.perezperis@unil.ch |
Vincent | Perrier | University of Lyon | France | vincent.perrier[at]univ-lyon1.fr |
Nguyen Duc | Phong | Vietman Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources | Vietnam | phongcs[at]yahoo.com |
Roy | Plotnick | University of Illinois at Chicago | United States | plotnick[at]uic.edu |
Teresa | Podhalańska | Polish Geological Institute | Poland | tpod[at]pgi.gov.pl |
Alexandre | Pohle | University of Zürich | Switzerland | alexander.pohle[at]pim.uzh.ch |
Miron | Pozdnyakov | Novosibirsk State University | Russia | pozmiron@gmail.com |
Brian | Pratt | University of Saskatchewan | Canada | brian.pratt[at]usask.ca |
Matthew | Pruden | University of Alberta | Canada | mpruden1[at]ualberta.ca |
Mikuláš | Radek | Institute of Geology, Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | mikulas[at]gli.cas.cz |
Sigitas | Radzevičius | Vilnius University | Lithuania | sigitas.radzevicius[at]gf.vu.lt |
Lena | Raevskaya | Russian State Research and Production Enterprise "Geologorazvedka" | Russia | lena.raevskaya[at]mail.ru |
Bo | Rasmussen | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | bwrasmussen[at]snm.ku.dk |
Christian Mac Ørum | Rasmussen | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Christian[at]snm.ku.dk |
Jan A. | Rasmussen | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | janr[at]snm.ku.dk |
John | Repetski | US Geological Survey | United States | jrepetski[at]usgs.gov |
Vaucher | Romain | University of Lyon | France | romain.vaucher88[at]gmail.com |
Sergey V. | Rozhnov | Russia | rozhnov[at]paleo.ru | |
Artur Abre | Sá | University of Trás-os-Montes | Portugal | asa[at]utad.pt |
Farid | Saleh | University of Lyon | France | farid.nassim.saleh@gmail.com |
Firuza | Salimova | State Entreprise ‘East Uzbekistan Survey Research Expedition’, Tashkent | Uzbekistan | Firuza_Salimova[at]yahoo.com |
Matthew | Saltzman | Ohio State University, Columbus | United States | saltzman.11[at]osu.edu |
Ivan | Samson | Birmingham University | United Kingdom | i.j.sansom[at]bham.ac.uk |
Brigitte | Schoenemann | University of Cologne | Germany | B.Schoenemann@uni-koeln.de |
Niels | Schovsbo | Geological Survey of Denmark | Denmark | nsc[at]geus.dk |
Cameron | Schwalbach | University of Dayton | United States | schwalbach.ce[at]gmail.com |
Fernanda | Serra | University of Cordóba | Argentina | fserra[at]efn.uncor.edu |
Thomas | Servais | University of Lille | France | Thomas.Servais[at]univ-lille1.fr |
Husain | Shabbar | Gondwana Palaeobiology Lab, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences | India | shabbarnaqvi92[at]gmail.com |
Longlong | Shan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | llshan[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Jack | Shaw | Yale University | United States | jack.shaw[at]yale.edu |
Sarah | Sheffield | University of South Florida | United States | ssheffield2[at]usf.edu |
Yuefeng | Shen | Laval University | Canada | yuefeng.shen.1[at]ulaval.ca |
Lawrence | Sherwin | Geological Survey of New South Wales | Australia | lawrence.sherwin[at]planning.nsw.gov.au |
Birendra P. | Singh | Panjab University | India | bpsinghpu[at]gmail.com |
Matthias | Sinnesael | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium | matthias.sinnesael[at]vub.be |
Patrick | Smith | Australian Musuem | Australia | Patrick.Smith@austmus.gov.au |
Tatiana | Soria | University of San Juan | Argentina | tsoria[at]unsj.edu.ar |
Erik | Sperling | Stanford University | United States | esper[at]stanford.edu |
Andrej | Spiridonov | Vilnius University | Lithuania | s.andrej[at]gmail.com |
Alycia L. | Stigall | Ohio University, Athens | United States | stigall[at]ohio.edu |
Svend | Stouge | Geological Museum and University of Copenhagen | Denmark | Svends[at]snm.ku.dk |
Zbigniew | Szczepanik | Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny, Warsaw | Poland | Zbigniew.Szczepanik [at]pgi.gov.pl |
Zardasht | Taha | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | zardashtygeo[at]yahoo.co.uk |
John F. | Taylor | Indiana University of Pennsylvania | United States | jftaylor[at]iup.edu |
Nicolas | Thibault | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | nt[at]ign.ku.dk |
Oive | Tinn | Tartu University | Estonia | oive.tinn[at]ut.ee |
Tatiana | Tolmacheva | Russian Research Geological Institute | Russia | Tatiana_Tolmacheva[at]vsegei.ru |
Petra | Tonarová | Czech Geological Survey | Czech Republic | petra.tonarova[at]geology.cz |
Ursula | Toom | Tallinn University of Technology | Estonia | ursula.toom[at]ttu.ee |
Blanca Azucena | Toro | University of Cordóba | Argentina | btorogr[at]mendoza-conicet.gob.ar |
Franco | Tortello | University of La Plata | Argentina | tortello[at]fcnym.unlp.edu.ar |
Andres Pardo | Trujillo | Universidad de Caldas | Colombia | andres.pardo[at]ucaldas.edu.co |
Susan | Turner | Independent | Australia | paleodeadfish[at]yahoo.com |
Carrie | Tyler | Miami University, Oxford | United States | tylercl[at]miamiOH.edu |
Marco | Vecoli | Saudi Aramco | Saudi Arabia | marco.vecoli[at]aramco.com |
Agnė | Venckutė-Aleksienė | Vilnius University | Lithuania | agne.aleksiene[at]gmail.com |
Jacques | Verniers | Ghent University | Belgium | Jacques.Verniers[at]UGent.be |
Olev | Vinn | Tartu University | Estonia | olev.vinn[at]ut.ee |
Gustavo | Voldman | University of Cordóba, CONICET-CICTERRA | Argentina | gvoldman[at]unc.edu.ar |
Beatriz | Waisfeld | Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra (CICTERRA-CONICET-UNC) | Argentina | bwaisfeld[at]uncor.edu.ar |
Jian | Wang | Xi'an Center Geological Survey, China Geological Survey | China | wangjian_7610[at]163.com |
Long-Wu | Wang | Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey | China | zjhzwlw[at]126.com |
Wenhui | Wang | Nanjing University | China | wwhever[at]126.com |
Zhihao | Wang | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | zhwang[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Shelly | Wernette | University of California, Riverside | United States | swern001[at]ucr.edu |
Steve | Westrop | University of Oklahoma, Norman | United States | swestrop[at]ou.edu |
Martin G. | Wiesner | University of Hamburg | Germany | martin.wiesner[at]uni-hamburg.de |
Jacalyn | Wittmer | SUNY Geneseo | United States | malinowski[at]geneseo.edu |
David F. | Wright | American Museum of Natural History | United States | dwright[at]amnh.org |
Rongchang | Wu | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | rcwu[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Ma | Xueying | Petrochina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development | China | 752032397[at]qq.com |
Kui | Yan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | kuiyan[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Liang | Yan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | liangyan[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Seth | Young | Florida State University | United States | sayoung2[at]fsu.edu |
Axelle | Zacaï | University of Lille | France | axelle.zacai[at]univ-lille.fr |
Mohammad-Reza Kebria-ee | Zadeh | Payame Noor University, Damavand | Iran | mkebriaei[at]pnu.ac.ir |
Alexey | Zaitsev | Moscow State University | Russia | alzaitsev[at]rambler.ru |
Aija | Zans | Vilnius University | Latvia | aijavzans[at]gmail.com |
Fernando | Zeballo | University of Cordóba | Argentina | fzeballo[at]hotmail.com |
Renbin | Zhan | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | rbzhan[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Junpeng | Zhang | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | jpzhang[at]nipas.ac.cn |
Yuandong | Zhang | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | ydzhang[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Zhifei | Zhang | Northwest University | China | elizf[at]nwu.edu.cn |
Ran | Zhao | Central South University | China | csuzhaoran[at]gmail.com |
Yong Yi | Zhen | Geological Survey of New South Wales | Australia | yong-yi.zhen[at]planning.nsw.gov.au |
Zhiyi | Zhou | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | zyizhou[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Xuejian | Zhu | Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology | China | xjzhu[at]nigpas.ac.cn |
Živilė | Žigaitė | Uppsala University | Sweden | zivile.zigaite[at]ebc.uu.se |