Dear All,
The Closing Meeting of IGCP 653 in Copenhagen, scheduled for June 2020, is officially postponed to September 7th–10th, 2020.
Unfortunately, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on nearly all countries, forcing governments to take precautionary measures. In Denmark, the government has imposed bans on gatherings of more than 10 people, closed all shops except for grocery stores, as well as schools, and universities. Even the borders are currently closed. Essentially the whole country has been in a lockdown since March 10th.
Because of these bans, we initially postponed the deadline for abstract submission from March 15th to April 15th in the hopes that those extra weeks would give us time to see whether the precautionary measures had the intended effect and maybe would be lifted.
Although a positive effect is seen – the country is slowly reopening again this week – the government has decided to maintain the restrictions on larger gatherings of more than ten people until August 31st. Therefore, we have no other option than to postpone the GOBEnhagen meeting until after that date.
We are therefore provisionally moving the technical sessions of the meeting to September 7th–10th, with the pre-excursion to Öland scheduled for the 3rd–6h of September and the post-excursion toBornholm the 11th–12th of September. The dates are obviously provisional given the global situation at the moment, pending how the pandemic evolves globally.
Deadline for abstract submission and Early Bird registration, including registrations for the excursions, will be July 24th, 2020 and the late registration deadline exclusively including the technical sessions will be August 14th, 2020.
On behalf of the organizers, I wish you all the best, stay safe, and we do hope to see you all in Copenhagen in the early Autumn!
Christian Rasmussen