First circular for IGCP 653 Annual meeting in Yichang, China, October 2017

The second annual meeting of the International Geoscience Programme Project 653 “Filling the gap between Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE” will be held in Yichang, China from October 8 through 18, 2017.  


Provisional Programme:
  • Oct. 8 (Sunday), 2017: Arrival, registration (ice breaker).
  • Oct. 9 (Monday), 2017: Oral and poster presentations.
  • Oct. 10 (Tuesday), 2017: Oral and poster presentations, workshop.
  • Oct. 11 (Wednesday), 2017: Mid-conference field trip.
  • Oct. 12 (Thursday), 2017: Oral and poster presentations, conference banquet.
  • Oct. 13—Oct. 18, 2017: Post-conference field excursion in Hubei and Hunan Provinces.
  • Oct.19 (Thursday), 2017: Departures.

Indoor sessions will be held in the Taohualing Hotel, Yichang City, Hubei Province, China.

The mid-conference field trip will visit the Furongian to Middle Ordovician successions, the GSSPs of Dapingian and Hirnantian stages near the Yichang city, and a few historical and scenery sites of Yangtze Gorges.

The post-conference excursion will investigate a number of classic sections of the Guzhangian (Series 3, Cambrian) to Upper Ordovician around the Yangtze Gorges area.


Important dates

  • December 19, 2016: Distribution of First Circular
  • March 1, 2017: Website of the conference available for information and registration
  • April 1, 2017: Distribution of Second Circular
  • September 15, 2017: Distribution of Last Circular
Contact information
Any questions or suggestions related to the meeting and field trips should be directed to:
Dr. FAN Junxuan (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology):
Dr. ZHANG Yuandong (Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology): costs and registration information will be posted in the second circular distributed on April 1, 2017.

Please register your interests by filling and tickling (√) the form below and send to

IGCP653 Annual Meeting 2017 (Oct. 8 to 12, 2017, Yichang, China)
E-mail address:
I will participate in the conference and the post-conference field excursion surely
I will participate in the conference (scientific sessions and mid-conference field trip) surely